Saturday, January 12, 2019

overriding factor

सत्यपि च सुकृतकर्मणि दुर्नीतिश्चेत् श्रियं हरत्येव।
तैलैः सदोपयुक्तां दीपशिखां विदलयति हि वातालिः॥
satyapi ca sukṛtakarmaṇi durnītiścet śriyaṁ haratyeva|
tailaiḥ sadopayuktāṁ dīpaśikhāṁ vidalayati hi vātāliḥ||

A very pertinent advice in Bhojaprabandam of poet Ballaaladeva.
Even when a person is having a huge accumulation of punya or merits accumulated through lives of good Karma, if the person persists with bad policies and harmful and misdirected actions, such policies and actions would surely drain all his wealth and welfare

Even if a wick lamp is filled constantly with oil, if it is exposed to gusts of wind, the flame would get extinguished, sure..

Good deeds and accumulated virtue would keep a person in good status upto a certain level.. But even when his going is quite smooth, he should never deviate from the path of righteousness .. Once such deviations happens all his virtues earned and accumulated, would be of no use..
word analysism,

सुकृतकर्मणि सति अपि even if there is a huge accumulation of good Karma through good deeds
दुर्नीतिः चेत् if there is bad policy, bad deeds
(नरस्य) श्रियं हरति एव that would surely destroy the wealth and welfare of a person

वातालिः persistent gusts of wind
तैलै सदा उपयुक्तां दीपशिखां a wick lamp ever filled with oil विदलयति हि extinguishes, is it not?

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