Wednesday, January 02, 2019

respect the good in others

गुणेष्वनादरो भ्रात पूर्णश्रीरपि मा कृथाः।
सम्पूर्णोऽपि घटः कूपे गुणच्छेदात् पतत्यधः।।
Guneshvanaadaro bhraata poornashreerapi maa kruthaah
Sampoornopi ghatah koope gunacchedaat patatyadhah

Another great reminder
Brother, even if you are blessed with wealth and status do not fail to give proper care in maintaining your virtues and in giving respect to the virtues in others

A pitcher filled to the brim and put in a well to draw water can be in place only when the rope attached to it is strong and taut.
If the rope is cut the pitcher sinks for ever
The word Guna गुण means character and the same word can mean a rope.

The subhashitam underlines the importance of virtues in life. 
Being affluent is not a licence to lead a wayward life.
We have to live with our character in tact and also giving due respect to all others.
It is silly to feel arrogant just because we control some resources.
The material wealth can vanish any time and we would sink to insignificance if we had failed to maintain our goo good relations with people around.

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