Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Vedic Prayer and entreaty to God

Vedic Prayer and entreaty to God.. in the bhakthi way are different..
The vedic arrangement of words..and letters are supposed to be according to the patterns of six Vedangas..
like kalpam shiksha niruktham, chandas, vyakarana and also following Jyothisha..
The first five are dependent on exact pronunciation.. intonation and so on..
You must understand that the Vedic belief was that when the rituals according to the prescriptions are performed, the recipient deities that is the deities who receive their due share of offerings from the sacrifice are bound to deliver the goods without fail.

They would deny such delivery when the rituals are incomplete and are not performed correctly in all respects.

The modern day authors and swamis added some sort of exemptions and condonations to the rigours..

The mimamsa schools did not allow such things.. but the bhakthi schools seem to support the existence of some concessions when the intention is good.. 
The modern gurus hold that it is sufficient to have good intentions.. 
Agreed, good intentions are okay when we consider earthly and mundane matters..

But if you ask the modern gurus,as to what is the basis for such concessions, he or they will have no answers.. 
No major concessions or exemption can be found in ritualistic matters.
In brahmin rituals we have to follow the Vedas and Vedangas..

Bhakthi schools or semi secular swamis can give their opinions, but such opinions cannot hold the fort in Vedic and Yajnik matters.
To believe in Vedas or to believe in Swamis is your choice..

But it is unfair to counter the requirements of Vedas with what some persons who are not exactly subscribing to Vedic ways are saying is not fair..

Those who want to follow Vedas can follow Vedas by subscribing to the rules prescribed in Vedas.. 
If they choose they can followed the ways prescribed by modern gurus.. and swamis too..
But the fallacy lies in creating hybrids or mules.. Hybrids will not work well..

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