Monday, February 18, 2019

Share and be blessed.. grab and be ruined.


मोघमन्नं विन्दते अप्रचेता सत्यं ब्रवीमि वध इत्स तस्य।
नार्यमणं विन्दति नो सखायं केवलाघो भवति केवलादी॥

ऋग्वेद १०-१७-६
moghamannaṁ vindate apracetā satyaṁ bravīmi vadha itsa tasya|
nāryamaṇaṁ vindati no sakhāyaṁ kevalāgho bhavati kevalādī||
ṛgveda 10-17-6
A very thought- provoking message from Rigvedam.. 

The mantram underlines the importance of social commitments and our duty of sharing of the resources with others..

The simple mindless person eats and eats away food (annam) more and more..
But actually he is just eating away and going to face (unceremonious) death round the corner.

A fellow who just eats away without sharing and without perfoming his duties never would acquire the blessing of the Aryaman.. 
Nor will he gain any friends

One who merely eats all alone will be all alone in suffering for his sins.
Aryaman.. is the God of manes of Pitrs. 
The word Aryaman means "Close friend".. bosom play companinon' 
He is the son of Aditi and Kashyapa.
He is the protector of Mares, the presiding deity of the Milky way galaxy..
And in Rigvedam which is the earliest Veda, He is of equal status of Mitra, Varuna Bhaga, Brihaspati etc
There are suggestions in Rigvedam that even Indra the leader of gods receives favours from Aryaman..
Remember this mantra..
शं नो मित्रः शं वरुणः शं नो भवतु अर्यमा शं न इन्द्रो बृहस्पति शं नो विष्णुः उरुक्रमः..sham not mitraH sham varuna sham no bhavatu aryamaaa sham na indro brihaspati sham to vishnuH urukramaH.
( May Mitra bring us welfare.. May Varuna Bring us welfare May Aryama bring us welfare.. May Indra bring us welfare.. May Brihaspati bring us welfare.. May Vishnu who pervades the whole universe bring us welfare..

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