Monday, June 17, 2019

The naughty Krishna

वत्सान् मुञ्चन् क्वचिदसमये क्रोशसञ्जातहासः 
स्तेयं स्वाद्वत्त्यथ दधि पयः कल्पितैः स्तेययोगैः।
मर्कान् भोक्ष्यन् विभजति स चेन्नात्ति भाण्डं भिन्नत्ति 
द्रव्यालाभे स गृहकुपितो यात्युपक्रोश्य तोकान्॥ २९॥ 
श्रीमद्भागवतमहापुराणे दशमस्कन्धे पूर्वभागे अध्यायः ८ 

vatsān muñcan kvacidasamaye krośasañjātahāsaḥ 
steyaṁ svādvattyatha dadhi payaḥ kalpitaiḥ steyayogaiḥ | 
markān bhokṣyan vibhajati sa cennātti bhāṇḍaṁ bhinnatti 
dravyālābhe sa gṛhakupito yātyupakrośya tokān || 29|| 
śrīmadbhāgavatamahāpurāṇe daśamaskandhe pūrvabhāge adhyāyaḥ 8 

The recluse and jnani Sage Shuka himself tends to feel light when he attempts to report the pranks of Krishna as a child in Gokulam.. 
Yes, when the Master of the world plays his jokes, who can remain serious? It is time to laugh.. it is time to rejoice 
The ladies of the Gokulam, led to desperation because of the naughty pranks of Krishna the naughty imp are assembled in the house of Nandagopa and are giving a running commentary of what that mischievous creature is doing by way of damage to the whole community.. 
The activities as reported by Gopis .. is described in the above verse found in the eighth chapter of the tenth Skandham of Srimad Bhagavata Puranam.. 

He just releases the calves before their mothers are milched and they rush to drink the whole milk.. 
The boy, if chided, would laugh mockingly at the mothers of Gokulam. 
He is ever ready with newer and fresher tricks that would outwit the Gopis who try their level best to prevent the boy from creeping into their household and steal milk, butter and curd. 
He drinks the tasty sweet milk and curds and butter too to his hearts content.. and distributes them to his friends too 
He does not stop there even.. 
He feeds the monkeys hovering around too with the same milk, curd and butter. 
When the monkeys too get satisfied and stop eating, the urchin lifts the pots of butter milk and curd and smashes them on the ground enjoying the mild explosion they cause. 
If by chance, he could not find any milk or curd or butter to eat as he visits a house, he gets angry.. and he gives vent his anger on the children of that house ( by pinching or hitting them and waking them from their sleep and leaving them to howl and howl) 
The master of the world.. the embodiment of mercy for all living beings that he created.. is playing mean and funny.. 

When Krishna plays like that we have to just enjoy.. 
And generation after generation of his devotees and admires on this earth enjoy His pranks and the report on that too as if he is playing tha before their eyes. 

All over this Holy land of Bharath.. on every festive occasion.. we reconstruct the action of naughty Krishna breaking the butter pot .. 

Krishna I love you

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