Friday, June 07, 2019

the priest....

thola kavi said.

शान्तिद्विजः प्रकुरुते बहुदीप शान्तिं
तत्रत्य बालवनिता मदनार्ति शान्तिं
पक्वाजय पायस गुलैः जठराग्नि शान्तिं
कालक्रमेण परमेश्वर शक्ति शान्तिं.

shaantidvijaH prakurute bahudeepa shaantim
tatratya baalvanitaa madanaarthi shaantim
pakvaajya paayas gulaiH jaTaraagni shaantim
kaalakramena parameshvara shakti shaantim

The brahmin who is engaged for pooja in a temple is called Shanti..Shanti also means satisfaction, or finishing off too

So the Vikatakavi of Kerala, Tholan, Himself a Namboodiri says so

The young brahmin engaged for Shanti in a temple perform the following Shantis..
He extinguishes or does Shanti for all the oil lamps in the temple.. because he can take home the oil saved
He gives satisfaction or Shanti to the amorous desires of all local girls.
He satiates or give Shanti to the fire of hunger arising in his stomach by drinking the ghee, eating the fruits and gulping the Payasam made as naivedyam for the deity.. eating to his hearts content.. and even more.
And finally, by his lack of interest and avariciousness, the poojas are not done properly, and the power of the deity faces a shanti.. or depletion..

How many shanti kriyaas.. ?
This slokas comes in some Chakyar Koothus and Koodiyattams.. Written perhaps five to six centuries ago..
But the Shanti Dvijas appear to be of the same quality today too.

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