Saturday, October 19, 2019

musings 58

The basic texture of Indian culture of old was different. The learned persons lived the lives of Rishis and Tapswins, frugal and disciplined life.

And those who were learned never flaunted their knowledge.
 The binding rule was that one should never give an opinion or advise unless it is sought with great humility.
 And of course one would give his opinion only about things he knew well

In every ancient treatise you study you will find that some very earnest seekers approach the learned scholar with utter humility and thirst for knowledge and enlightenment.

The teacher tests the mettle of the learners and imparts only suitable knowledge to the eligible disciple.

See the current scenario in contrast.
 Idiots like me want to show off and send unsolicited message to all and sundry. 
It people like me see a WhatsApp number, the next action would be to forward some silly forward message .

We are waiting like owls to catch our victims

Even God cannot save hapless people from being attacked by pseudo gurus and activists like me.


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