Friday, November 22, 2019

friendship is a natural policy for all

अपि संपूर्णतायुक्तैः कर्तव्याः सुहृदो बुधैः।
नदीशः परिपूर्णोऽपि चन्द्रोदयमपेक्षते॥
पञ्चतन्त्रे महासुभाषितसञ्ग्रहे च
api saṁpūrṇatāyuktaiḥ kartavyāḥ suhṛdo budhaiḥ|
nadīśaḥ paripūrṇo'pi candrodayamapekṣate||
pañcatantre mahāsubhāṣitasañgrahe ca

A very wise quote from Panchatantram..
This quote is found in Mahasubhaashita Sangraham too

A wise and noble man would seek nice friendships even if he is himself in a very accomplished and contended state.. having almost anything he ever yearned for .
The sea, even if it filled to the brim would wait for the raise of the moon .. and when the moon comes up, the sea rises in tide and enjoys happily

Man is never an island, unconnected and isolated.. He seeks the company and friendship of others to keep himself happy and sane..
Some people are endowed with all the resources and skills and are lucky too perhaps, and they reach peak of their achievements.. Often they have nothing more to seek and obtain..
Still if they have to enjoy their accomplishments well, they have to share their bounties with others.. and friends are the ideal choice for such share.. So cultivating friendships should come naturally to all

A parallel is drawn from the phenomenon we notice at the time of rise of the sea during tides.
The sea should be perfectly satisfied because it is ever filled with water.. There would seem no reason why the sea should not rejoice..
But we find that the sea puts up its huge waves towards tall sky and enjoy only during the tides.. and tides occur when the moon rises full once in a month.. That means, even though the sea is having all the resources and reasons to enjoy, the enjoyment is reserved when full moon, its friend arrives..

It is so natural..

बुधैः by wise men
संपूर्णतायुक्तैः even if they are blessed with fullness and perfect
अपि too
सुहृदः कर्तव्याः. should cultivate and sustain friendship
परिपूर्णः अपि even though full to the brim
नदीशः the master of the rivers.. the ocean
चन्द्रोदयं the rise of the moon
अपेक्षते wants, yearns for..

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