Friday, November 29, 2019

know the physical limitations...

यदशक्यं न तच्छक्यं यच्छक्यं शक्यमेव तत्।
नोदके शकटम् याति न नौका गच्छति स्थले॥
yadaśakyaṁ na tacchakyaṁ yacchakyaṁ śakyameva tat|
nodake śakaṭam yāti na naukā gacchati sthale||

A very realistic statement found in Hitopadesham

What is not possible, is just not possible
Only what is physicality capable of performance is really possible or viable
A cart will not move in water
A boat will not move on land..

It is a simple statement of reality.. But often we tend to believe this.. and try to believe that something impossible will happen..

But that is not likely to happen

If some smart guy says that a boat can be mounted on a truck and taken along the road,
of that
a cart can be pushed atop a raft and moved in water
there is no answer for that..


यत् कार्यं that task अशकयं which is not possible of execution तत् न शक्यं that task is impossible
यत् शक्यं what is possible of performance
तदेव शक्यं च that is possible too
उदके in water
शकटं cart
न याति does not ply
नौका boat
स्थले न गच्छति does not move on land..

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