Monday, November 25, 2019


कातर्यं दुर्विनीतत्वं कार्पण्यमविवेकिता।
सर्वे मार्जन्ति कवयः शालीनां मुष्टिकिङ्कराः॥
kātaryaṁ durvinītatvaṁ kārpaṇyamavivekitā |
sarve mārjanti kavayaḥ śālīnāṁ muṣṭikiṅkarāḥ||

Opportunists who pose as learned poets and scholars
just being slaves to the fistfuls of grains they would receive as patronage
would conceal or ignore the nasty traits of their sponsors
The unhealthy traits like
lack of courage,
arrogance, ignorance,
lack of discretion etc
found in their patrons and
would give the colour of simplicity and grace to such characters..

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