Thursday, November 28, 2019

poverty preferable to ill gotten wealth..

वरं दारिद्र्यमन्यायप्रभवाद्विभवादिह।

कृशताभिमता देहे पीनता न तु शोफतः॥
शार्ङ्गधरपद्धतिः १४४१
varaṁ dāridryamanyāyaprabhavādvibhavādiha|
kṛśatābhimatā dehe pīnatā na tu śophataḥ||
śārṅgadharapaddhatiḥ 1441

A great lesson from a worthy text..Sharangadhara Paddhati
Living in utter poverty is far better than possession of riches that are acquired through unjust and unfair means
It is better for a person to remain lean and emaciated in body than looking fat because of edema or collection of fluids in the body..
Only things that come to us naturally and without causing harm to others would do us good in the long run..
Some liability, some sin would be definitely clinging to things which are acquired through unfair means

Apparently the money got by selling a dog will not bark.. Many take this as an excuse..
But still the law of fairness.. the law that good comes from good and bad stems out of bad really work..

We need not find pride in having a body of very huge size when that enlargement happens because of swelling..

दारिद्र्यं poverty..
अन्याय प्रभावात् arising out of unfair means
विभवात् wealth
इह वरं भवति is better in this world
देहे in human body
कृशता being lean, being emaciated
अभिमता preferable, desirable
भवति is
शोफतः through swelling due to body fluids wrongly collected
पीनता state of being fat
न तु not at all..

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