Thursday, November 28, 2019

Romance at its best...

वृक्षमूलोऽपि दयिता यत्र तिष्टति तद् गृहम्।
प्रासादोऽपि तया हीनो ह्यरण्य सदृशो स्मृतः।
आपतन्ती विपत्पुंसां धीबलेन निवार्यते।
इयं प्राप्ता स्त्रिया धैर्यात्सुसह्यत्वं तु नीयते॥
vṛkṣamūlo'pi dayitā yatra tiṣṭati tad gṛham|
prāsādo'pi tayā hīno hyaraṇya sadṛśo smṛtaḥ|
āpatantī vipatpuṁsāṁ dhībalena nivāryate|
iyaṁ prāptā striyā dhairyātsusahyatvaṁ tu nīyate||

A set of Subhashitams.. I discovered in some text..
But could not trace the authorship.

Anyway the thoughts conveyed are really great and of great value to every human being .
So I just chose it as today's message..

The meaning of the quote is
Even if a person is living just under the shadow of a tree (without any roof), if his wife is also staying with him there, then it is his house.
However, even if he is living in a palace or a mansion, and his life partner is not there, then that place is just like a forest.

When dangers confront a man, he faces them through the power of his intellect and knowledge.
However, if he has an understanding woman as life partner, then he would be able to overcome any challenging situation in life through the support and encouragement given by her... and the courage provided by her..

Yes, nature has made human beings like that. A man is not worth his salt if he is not having his woman..

This is not written with any gender bias.. No intention to state that the man is important and the woman is playing a supporting role..

We believe in the wholesome existence of Prakriti and Purusha together,, Shiva and Shakthi together..

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