Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Study and acquisition of Knowledge.. curriculum as per Indian traditions.

Study and acquisition of Knowledge.. curriculum as per Indian traditions.

अङ्गानि वेदाश्चत्वात्रो मीमांसा न्यायविस्त्ररः।
पुराणं धर्मशास्त्रं च विद्याः हि एताह् चतुर्दश॥
मनुस्मृतौ पराशरस्मृतौ महाभारते शान्तिपर्वे च
पुराण न्याय मीमांसा धर्मशास्त्राङ्गमिश्रिताः।
वेदाः स्थानानि विद्यानां धर्मस्य च चतुर्दश॥
आयुर्वेदो धनुर्वेदो गान्धर्वश्चैव ते त्रयः।
अर्थशास्त्रं चतुर्थं तो विद्याह्यष्टदशैर्व ताः॥
पराशरस्मृतौ महाभारते शान्तिपर्वे च
aṅgāni vedāścatvātro mīmāṁsā nyāyavistraraḥ|
purāṇaṁ dharmaśāstraṁ ca vidyāḥ hi etāh caturdaśa||
manusmṛtau parāśarasmṛtau mahābhārate śāntiparve ca
purāṇa nyāya mīmāṁsā dharmaśāstrāṅgamiśritāḥ|
vedāḥ sthānāni vidyānāṁ dharmasya ca caturdaśa||
āyurvedo dhanurvedo gāndharvaścaiva te trayaḥ|
arthaśāstraṁ caturthaṁ to vidyāhyaṣṭadaśairva tāḥ||
parāśarasmṛtau mahābhārate śāntiparve ca

The entire spectrum of education of arts and science in India of the past consisted of eighteen items.. The details are given in the Slokas about.. found variously in Mahabharatam, Yajnavalkya Smurti, Manusmriti and Parasharasmriti
The list would be found in other texts like Shatapada brahmanam too.. But the list is more important that the quote

The Subjects of Study are
1 to 4 The four Vedas
5 to 10 The Six Vedangas
11 Meemaamsaa
12 Nyaayavistara
13 Puranas (Including Itihasas )
14 Dharmasastras
15 Ayurveda
16 Dhanurveda
17 Gandharvavidyaa
18 Artha Shastra..

The four Vedas are Rigveda, Yajurveda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda
The Six Vedangas are Shiksha, Niruktham, Kalpam Vyakaranam Jyothisham and Chandas

Meemasa actually is the study of lifestyle in the physical sense as also the study and seeking of the supreme beyond the earthly life.. The two parts are Poorvameemaamsa (which later was called Meemaasa exclusively ) and Vedanta which dealth with higher planes of life

NyayaVistara is the study of Logic.. and even Sankhya, Mathematics and such structured training on a theoretical subject would come under this category.

Puranas.. there are eighteen Mahapuranas, eighteen upapuranas, many other minor puranas, and the great epics of India Ramayanam and Mahabharatham.. arranged under this head.
Dharmasatras.. There were great rishis and heads of clans who gave out rule books based on the Vedas and Manusmriti.. and these rule books were to be followed by the constituents of their clans without fail... The number of authors of Dharmasastra vary considerably.. We could find upto two hundred or more such authors.. But there are thirty six authors who are most respected.. and who are the authorities..

Ayurveda is the Science of health and well being.. this is considered as an Upaveda of Rigvedam
Dhanurveda.. The study of archery and techniques of warfare.. This is an upaveda of Yajurveda
Gandharva Veda or Gandharva Vidya.. This is the art and science of music and other art forms.. This is an upaveda of Samaveda
Artha Sastra... The study of economic and commerce.. This is considered as a part of Atharvana veda

Of course, any other subject above can be imparted validly only as long as they are in agreement with the four Vedas.

Each item listed about is the subject matter of thousands and thousands of students.. And many great souls actually learned and trained themselves in all these subjects..

But expansion of the subject further cannot be undertaken in a single post

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