Wednesday, November 27, 2019

study with no practice is of no use..

अनुष्ठानेन रहिता पाठमात्रेण केवलं।

रञ्ज्यत्येव या लोकान् किं तया शुकविद्यया॥
दर्पदलने ३-३१
anuṣṭhānena rahitā pāṭhamātreṇa kevalaṁ|
rañjyatyeva yā lokān kiṁ tayā śukavidyayā||
darpadalane 3-31

A very relevant query about the effectiveness of education..
What is the use for such education which is just parrot like rendering and repetition ,
education which is just rendered faithfully as per the lessons prescribed,
education rendered without real application of its contents for either equipping the students to put what they learned to proper and useful action
education that would provide mere entertainment the people and provide means of just filling up time without no proper worth or utility ?

The greatest capital the society can provide for its future generations is, without doubt, education.. Education should find practical applications to equip the students with the capacity to fend for themselves and enable them to move the society and the nation forward to greater heights of progress and prosperity..
Routine, parrot like repetition of texts would not benefit anyone in real terms, even though there can be some entertainment and waste of time through such activities..

The quote comes from the work Darpadalana of the great poet Kshemendra..

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