Saturday, November 30, 2019

subramania astakam

with translation by k v ananthanarayanan
हे स्वामिनाथ करुणाकर दीनबन्धो श्रीपार्वतीश मुखपङ्कजपद्मबन्धो।
श्रीशादि देवगण पूजित पादपद्म वल्लीश नाथ मम देहि करावलंबम्॥१
he svāminātha karuṇākara dīnabandho 
śrīpārvatīśa mukhapaṅkajapadmabhandho|
śrīśādi devagaṇa pūjita pādapadma
vallīśa nātha mama dehi karāvalaṁbam||1
My Lord Swaaminatha.. the master and preceptor of the Supreme Lord Shiva Himself
you the source of eternal mercy for us
you the relative of all those who are suffering
you the one who is the darling Sun for the lotus that is the face of that Master of Parvathi and your father Shiva,whose face brightens up when his eyes fall on your lovely face
you whose pair of lotus feet are worshiped by Gods like the master of the Goddess of Wealth Lakshmi.. that narayana himself
you the consort of that hunter woman Valli
May you be pleased to extend a helping hand to me, the miserable one.. 

देवाधिदेवसुत देवगणाधिनाथ देवेन्द्रवन्द्यमृदुपङ्कजमञ्जुपाद l 
देवर्षिनारदमुनीन्द्रसुगीतकीर्ते वल्लीश नाथ मम देहि करावलम्बम्॥ २
श्री सुब्रह्मण्य अष्टके
devādhidevasuta devagaṇādhinātha devendravandyamṛdupaṅkajamañjupāda
vallīśa nātha mama dehi karāvalambam|| 2
śrī subrahmaṇya aṣṭake
My Lord, you the darling son of the Lord of Lords Shankara 
You the Lord, Master and Commander of the forces of the gods
You the great one whose most attractive pair of feet resembling lotuses are worshiped by none other than Indra.. the Lord of the Gods himself
You the Lord and master, whose great story is ever recited with glowing praise by the Divine Sage Narada 
you the consort of that hunter woman Valli
May you be pleased to extend a helping hand to me, the miserable one.. 

नित्यान्नदाननिरताखिल रोगहारिन् भाग्यप्रदानपरिपूरितभक्तकाम।
श्रुत्यागमप्रणववाच्यनिजस्वरूप वल्लीश नाथ मम देहि करावलम्बम्॥३
श्री सुब्रह्मण्य अष्टके
nityānnadānaniratākhila rogahārin bhāgyapradānaparipūritabhaktakāma|
śrutyāgamapraṇavavācyanijasvarūpa vallīśa nātha mama dehi karāvalambam||3
śrī subrahmaṇya aṣṭake
My Lord You who is ever pleased to remove all illness and diseases affecting people who are eager to provide daily food for all ( alternately.. You who who is pleased to distribute food for all every day and who is the remover of illness and diseases of all your devotees)
You are the source of great fortune for all your devotees
You are engaged in fulfilling all that your devotees desire for
Your real form is realized and praised through mantras contained in Vedas and Agamas and the greatest syallable Pranava or Omkaram itself.
you the consort of that hunter woman Valli
May you be pleased to extend a helping hand to me, the miserable one.. 

क्रौञ्चासुरेन्द्रपरिखण्डनशक्तिशूल चापादिशस्त्रपरिमण्डितशस्त्रपाणे।
श्रीकुण्डलीशधृततुण्डशिखीन्द्रवाह वल्लीशनाथममदेहि करावलम्बम्॥ ४
vallīśanāthamamadehi karāvalambam|| 4
Oh Lord,, you are adorned with the potent weapons like Shakthi (spear.. Vel), Shula (Trident), Chapa..Bow. which were used with great force in Shattering the great Asura by name Krauncha who manifested in the form of a mountain and fought a devastating battle with you..
You are the Lord of Kundaline Shakti..
You are seated on the mount of Shikhi.. the Peacock and you are holding its long round neck..
you the consort of that hunter woman Valli
May you be pleased to extend a helping hand to me, the miserable one.. 

(Note Lord Subramania took his incarnation to fight and destroy the demons Shoora padma, Tharaka etc.. The Lord, who took birth from the third eye of Lord Shankara Himself, was crowned as the commander in Chief of the Devas.. who were in exile, driven away by the Asura Shoora.. Tharaka and Simha Mukha were the brothers of Shoora and Krauncha was a cousin.
The first victorious battle of Subramania was with Krauncha.. who obstructed the path of the Lord, taking the shape of a huge mountain.. Lord Skanda.. the Subramania shattered this mountain using the Shakti or Vel presented to his by his mother Uma the Paravathi..)
देवादिदेवरथमण्डलमध्यमेत्य देवेन्द्रपीठनगरं दृढचापहस्त।
शूरं निहत्य सुरकोटिभिरीढ्यमान वल्लीश नाथ मम देहि करावलम्बम्॥५
श्री सुब्रह्मण्य अष्टके
devādidevarathamaṇḍalamadhyametya devendrapīṭhanagaraṁ dṛḍhacāpahasta|
śūraṁ nihatya surakoṭibhirīḍhyamāna vallīśa nātha mama dehi karāvalambam||5
śrī subrahmaṇya aṣṭake
My Lord, You, having stationed yourself in the chariot in the middle of other chariots occupied by the leaders of the Gods,
With very sturdy bow and arrow held in your arms,
You laid siege on the cities and citadels of the enemies of the Lord of Devas Indra.. and entered the city of Indra
After You finished off the demon Shoora and on your great victory crores of devas
( thirty three crores in number) paid respects to you and sang your praises.
You the consort of that hunter woman Valli
May you be pleased to extend a helping hand to me, the miserable one.. 

हीरादिरत्नवरयुक्तकिरीटहार केयूरकुण्डललसत् कवचाभिराम l
हे वीर तारकजयामरबृन्दवन्द्य वल्लीश नाथ मम देहि करावलम्बम्॥६
श्री सुब्रह्मण्य अष्टके
hīrādiratnavarayuktakirīṭahāra keyūrakuṇḍalalasat kavacābhirāma
he vīra tārakajayāmarabṛndavandya vallīśa nātha mama dehi karāvalambam||6
śrī subrahmaṇya aṣṭake
My Lord, You are shining forth in great beauty adorning yourself in gems like diamond studded to Crowns or Kireetam, garlands and necklaces, earrings, ornamental armours covering your arms and also your chest,
You, the most valorous one, you the one who scored a great victory in your battle with the fierce demon Taaraka, and you are having all the gods paying respects to you an d praising your glory for that victory, 
you the consort of that hunter woman Valli
May you be pleased to extend a helping hand to me, the miserable one.. 

पञ्चाक्षरादि मनुमन्त्रित गाङ्गतोयैःपञ्चामृतैः प्रमुदितेन्द्रमुखैर्म्मुनीन्द्रैः।
पट्टभिषिक्त मघवत्तनयासनाथ वल्लीशनाथममदेहि करावलम्बम्॥ ७
pañcākṣarādi manumantrita gāṅgatoyaiḥ
pañcāmṛtaiḥ pramuditendramuakhairmmunīndraiḥ|
paṭṭabhiṣikta maghavattanayāsanātha 
vallīśanāthamamadehi karāvalambam|| 7
Oh Lord You were anointed and appointed as the Commander in Chief of gods by the great Sages and the Lord of Gods Indra himself who were extremely happy to have Your Divine Grace leading their Armed forces 
You were offered ceremonial bath during the Pattabhishekam with waters of Holy Ganga consecrated through chant of great mantras Like Panchaksharam (NamaH Shivaya) 
with Panchamrutam.. ( the five elixir like materials used for bathing the divine being .. Milk, Curd, Ghee, Honey and Cane sugar and fruit ) 
You are the dearest consort of Devasena the daughter of the chief of Gods and the protector of Yajnas, Indra Himself
You the darling consort of that hunter woman Valli
May you be pleased to extend a helping hand to me, the miserable one.. 

श्रीकार्तिकेय करुणमृतपूर्णदृष्ट्या कामादिरोगकलुषीकृतदुष्टचित्तम्।
सिक्त्वा तु मामव कलानिधिकोटिकान्त वल्लीश नाथ मम देहि करावलम्बम्॥८
श्री सुब्रह्मण्य अष्टके
śrīkārtikeya karuṇamṛtapūrṇadṛṣṭyā
siktvā tu māmava kalānidhikoṭikānta
vallīśa nātha mama dehi karāvalambam||8
śrī subrahmaṇya aṣṭake
Oh Lord, you the adopted son of the Six Krithika Stars.. Kartikeya, may you be pleased to cleanse me through the glances of your eyes that are filled with the nectar of mercy
My mind has become dirty and wicked through maladies like lust and wrong desires.. 
By cleaning me like that may you be pleased to protect me
You are shining with the brightness of one crore moons.
You the darling consort of that hunter woman Valli
May you be pleased to extend a helping hand to me, the miserable one.. 

सुब्रह्मण्याष्टकं पुण्यं ये पठन्ति द्विजोत्तमाः l
ते सर्वे मुक्तिमायान्ति सुब्रह्मण्यप्रसादतःll
सुब्रह्मण्याष्टकमिदं प्रातरुत्थाय यः पठेत्।
कोटिजन्मकृतं पापं तत्क्षणात् तस्य नश्यति॥
श्री सुब्रह्मण्य अष्टके
subrahmaṇyāṣṭakaṁ puṇyaṁ ye paṭhanti dvijottamāḥ 
te sarve muktimāyānti subrahmaṇyaprasādataḥ|
subrahmaṇyāṣṭakamidaṁ prātarutthāya yaḥ paṭhet|
koṭijanmakṛtaṁ pāpaṁ tatkṣaṇāt tasya naśyati||
śrī subrahmaṇya aṣṭake
The Phalashruti of Subramanya Ashtakam
Oh Learned men, whoever reads this holy Subramania Ashtakama attain Moksham or liberation from worldly woes as they become blessed by the Lord
Whoever reads this Subramania Ashtakam in the early morning itself, all his sins accumulated in one crore lives would vanish at the same moment..

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