Monday, November 25, 2019

words do wonders...

धत्ते श्रियं सृजति कीर्तिमघं लुनीते
मित्रत्वमानयति हन्त विरोधिनोपि।
यात्यध्वभिः प्रतिपदं सुमनोनुकूलैर्
गौः कामदुक्कमिव नापहरत्यनर्थम्॥
कल्हणकृते राजतरङ्गिण्याम्॥७-७८९
dhatte śriyaṁ sṛjati kīrtimaghaṁ lunīte
mitratvamānayati hanta virodhinopi|
yātyadhvabhiḥ pratipadaṁ sumanonukūlair
gauḥ kāmadukkamiva nāpaharatyanartham||
kalhaṇakṛte rājataraṅgiṇyām||7-789

A great quote from the classic.. Rajatharangini of Kalhana.. From Taranga or chapter 7

The slokam underlines the universal effectiveness of sweet and sensible words..

Is there any misfortune or catastrophe that cannot be removed or avoided through sweet and sensible words.. which are like the divine wish yielding cow.. Kamadhenu herself..?
Sweet words pave way for great wealth and prosperity.
Sweet words provide great fame to the one who uses them
Sweet words remove almost all sins
Sweet words create cohesion and friendship even between arch enemies
Sweet words, like the Kamadhenu, provides us benefit in every step where they are present.

Here the sweet words.. GauH.. are compared with the divine Cow.. GauH means word and GauH means cows too.. and by that word we can infer the greatest of the cows Kamadhenu too.

The divine cow would bless us with fortune, with fame, would remove sins, and in every step she takes, she would provide blessings and benefits for all who follow her.. She the great Mother..
The poet tries to indicate that all that mother Kamadhenu the divine cow would provide us could be provided to us by sweet and and sensible words, properly applied..

Wrongly used, wrongly spoken words cause most of the damage in this world.. everyone knows.. But then almost everyone thinks it is his privilege to use bad words..
We can afford to fare better.. and make ourselves and the world too much more livable

Indian lore believes that there is a great tree Kalpakavriksha, and there is a great cow.. Kamadhenu.. who would provide for all the wishes of the people on earth.. They would give us anything that we pray for..
Actually.. the tree represents agriculture and the cow represents the cattle wealth.. and the idea is that these two activities, when followed with enthusiasm and sincerity would yield us almost anything that we require.

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