Friday, December 20, 2019

a mind to give and help ...

किं दातुरखिलैः दोषैः किं लुब्धस्याखिलैः गुणैः।
न लोभादधिको दोषः न दानादधिको गुणः॥
kiṃ dāturakhilaiḥ doṣaiḥ kiṃ lubdhasyākhilaiḥ guṇaiḥ।
na lobhādadhiko doṣaḥ na dānādadhiko guṇaḥ॥

What is the significance of some flaws in a person if he is a willing helper or others who would give and share things voluntarily with others
What is the use of a person if he is having almost all virtues and good qualities but is miserly and reluctant to help others?

There is no flaw or defect in a person worse to being stingy and selfish
There can be no greater virtue in a man than being benevolent and being prepared to give and share all he has..

This is from the famous collections of subhashitas... named Sabharnjana Shatakam.

The idea is nice..
Being gracious and benevolent to all is indeed a great quality.. And that quality can make a person look ideal in the eyes of all around him..The poet is perhaps exaggerating a bit when he says that no other quality is necessary..
Sure, all positive character traits are essential for a person to live a wholesome life individually and as a part of the social set up..
But being munificent and being prepared to share and enjoy is indeed a great trait.
In poetry the authors would exaggerate the importance of the core issue on hand but that has to be taken as only poetic licence..

Of course, let us be generous.. and be among generous people all around..

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