Sunday, December 01, 2019

company of the friends and kin is the best

कुलीनैः सह संपर्कं पण्डितैः सह मित्रताम्।

ज्ञातिभिश्च समं मेलं कुर्वाणो न विनश्यति॥
kulīnaiḥ saha saṁparkaṁ paṇḍitaiḥ saha mitratām|
jñātibhiśca samaṁ melaṁ kurvāṇo na vinaśyati||

Another very practical advice contained in the great collection Subhashita Ratna Bhandagaram

A person
who is in always in constant touch with people who are born in good families
who seeks the friendship of learned scholars
who mixes and enjoys in the company of his own kin
would never face destruction or damage..

Observing the conduct of people of class at close quarters and trying to emulate them can help us a lot
Friendship with learned people would definitely help us because their knowledge would get shared with us
A person can be at his best only when he is in the close company of his friends and relatives.. The confidence available for his there cannot be found anywhere else..

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