Friday, December 20, 2019

Do not pray for others..

Do not pray for others..
Prayer is just a recommendation to another person whose hands are always full..God..
And just adding to his burden by mere persuasive thoughts and gimmicks is unfair..

My remark is not valid if you really do not believe in God or really do not love Him, t
Then it is Okay.. because, if God means nothing to you, prayer also is just a wasteful action..

However, I believe that one can pray for another whose existence and welfare means more to himself that that of his own..
But such others are too rare..
I mean the "others" who will remain in the list of one's priorities after any amount of thought and consideration

A lot of fanfare and celebrations do happen in social media and in day to day conversation, that people send messages of prayer, with glittering pictures of Gods, with chants and mantras, with words hollow or otherwise..
And such messages need not be taken as prayers..
They are just gimmicks..
Mostly empty words, untruths or partial truths

Of course if such words are believed on by others and that gives some pleasure, there is nothing materially wrong ..
But there is nothing worth the while is such shows too

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