Sunday, December 29, 2019

even the Lord has to play his disguises...

त्रिविक्रमोऽभूतपि वामनोऽसौ स सूकरश्चाटपि स वै नृसिम्हः।
नीचैरनीचैरतिनीचनीचैः सर्वैरुपायैः फलमेव साध्यम्॥
trivikramo'bhūtapi vāmano'sau sa sūkaraścāṭapi sa vai nṛsimhaḥ|
nīcairanīcairatinīcanīcaiḥ sarvairupāyaiḥ phalameva sādhyam||

One may have to assume the forms or play the roles of the best among the best and the lowliest among the lowly too if he has to achieve the best results..
He may have to put to use plans which are of high qulity, and of lowly qulity..
See how Lord Vishnu the Narayana ahieved his action plans..
He manifested Himself as Thrivikrama who pervaded the whole univers..
He took the shape of the tiny dwarf Vamana too.
He appeared as a pig,
as a fish,
as a tortoise,
He also appeared as Nrisimha the fierce combination of a man and a lion
It is evident that even He, the Narayana has to appear in so many disguises to generate the right results..
That is the way of the world..

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