Friday, December 13, 2019

how to spot a well wisher..

दूरावेक्षणं हासः संप्रश्नेष्वादरो भृशम्।
परोक्षेऽपि गुणश्लाघा स्मरणं प्रियवस्तुषु॥
असेवके चानुरक्तिदर्शनं सप्रियभाषणम्।
अनुरक्तस्य चिह्नानि दोषेऽपि गुणसङ्ग्रहः॥
dūrāvekṣaṇaṁ hāsaḥ saṁpraśneṣvādaro bhṛśam|
parokṣe'pi guṇaślāghā smaraṇaṁ priyavastuṣu||
asevake cānuraktidarśanaṁ sapriyabhāṣaṇam|
anuraktasya cihnāni doṣe'pi guṇasaṅgrahaḥ||

When we love and like a person, we would follow this checklist prescribed by Narayana Pandita in Hitopadesham

Recognizing by looking up when a dear person is even at a distance
Sending him a lovely smile
Solicitous and respectful enquiries about the friends welfare

Eagerness to praise a friend and his good qualities even in his or her absence
Always remembering about things which are close to the heart of the friend, and also remembering about the exchanges of such nice thing
Treating even a helper or assistant as a friend and being affectionately attached to such person even when he is not in our service
And always talking to friends in endearing, nice ways 
Capacity to see some good aspect in the friends action even is such action is not right

In fact people with these qualities are rare indeed..
They are perhaps Ajaata Shatrus... for whom no enemy is ever born..

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