Tuesday, December 17, 2019

indeed, there are many gems...

माने तपसि शौर्ये वा विज्ञाने विनये नये।
विस्मयो न हि कर्तव्यो नानारत्ना वसुन्धरा॥
māne tapasi śaurye vā vijñāne vinaye naye|
vizmayo na hi kartavyo nānāratnā vasundharā||
മാനേ തപസി ശൌര്യേ വാ വിജ്ഞാനേ വിനയേ നയേ।
വിസ്മയോ ന ഹി കര്‍തവ്യോ നാനാരത്നാ വസുന്ധരാ॥

I read this in the compilation Samayochitapadyamaalikaa..
I have seen this in a compilation of Subhashitas.. Chanakya Niti.. too ..

The meaning..
One need not be too much conceited or too much proud about their own qualities like
1... The respectability and acceptance they possess among others..
2---The austerities and penance they perform
3.. The valour they think they possess
4.. The knowledge they have acquired
5.. The humility they try to identify with themselves
6 .. The capacity to negotiate, to be diplomatic, to be meticulous in planning

The earth is a treasure-house of precious gems.. too many gems are there.. So a particular gem is not that important
This does not mean one should have good qualities and that he should not be happy and even proud about such qualities.

But when a person is deluded to the extremes that he and he alone possess such qualities.. and that others do not have that, then it is arrogance.. a disease cause by ego..

And such qualities have their limits.. Even persons possessing such qualities to a great extent can find persons better than them in any field.. And when crisis arrives, and when such qualities are put to real test, many of those who thought that they had such sterling qualities would wilt.. and wither away..

And no one is the best.. some may just look better than others.. Nothing much to brag about that..

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