Thursday, December 12, 2019

msings 79

one has to be not only brilliant, alert and learned .. 
but he has to have a professional approach to life too.
Otherwise all that is good in him will be exploited and misused..

Many would take advantage of his achievements, take shelter under him as long as he is capable of maintaining his brilliance..

But once the decline starts, ( this is sure to happen, with age, and many similar factors)

the same people who appeared to be very faithful, 
who declared that their life existed for him, would gradually fade away from him,
taking away all that they could extract or extort..

And he would be left to wither, languish and perish..

One should put a price to everything, 
every achievement and attainment
and perhaps convert it in terms of money or other tangible asset..

Whoever did that lived safe and with reasonable comforts if not happily till his death..

Those gave everything for others just received only bullets at their chest..

Think of Gandhiji.. just think of him.
Gandhiji is just a symbol, or icon, but we are ungrateful.

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