Saturday, December 21, 2019

musings 89

Wealth as a physical entity may be almost a reality but the title to it or ownership is rather a very unsure concept
And such possession of a valid title can become a nullity at any time.
Many carnages revolutions and catastrophes have thrown things out of control of all.
Good life at the present moment is a reality..
Earning and keeping in the dharmic way ?

what you call dharmic way is highly debatable.
The wealth is rather possessed by god or nature and such impersonal things and not by individuals.
And to be honest the best principle is and dharma is " eeshaavasyamidam sarvam yat kincha Mahatyaam jagat tena tyakthena bhunjeethaa may grithaa kasya sviddhanam "(see isha upanishad ).
Actually no one can hoard money in a dharmic way.
One just consumes what is necessary for him from nature and survives. What right has he to take and hoard more than that. ? People just find excuses if dharma to hoard. It is all God's or natures wealth.

it is preposterous to presume that Tata or Adani or Ambani collected the excess well in the dharmic way.
Wealthy people become so just by bleeding the nature and when they are safe in their comfortable possession give back a little portion back to others in society and pose as great philanthropists.
Where is dharma here?

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