Thursday, December 26, 2019

musings 99

my roadmap For a full living and dying and thereafter..

Maybe it is hallucination,
you can say,
but I have always depended on the guidance of some dear departed persons for my movement forward in life, especially regarding what they left unfinished perhaps to leave somewhat in haste..
They have guided me in dreams, actions, signals and so on..

I know what all I have learned, contemplated, witten, experienced.. all in this life of about six decades till now was not just acquired in this life..

And another thing, the comparison is the quality and quantity of output and standard of action in living persons, many even so young and other too aged.. reveals lot of variation..
Those gifted or helped by unseen hands too can achieve.. and sustain.. and I trust they have achieved more..

That is what I have experienced..
And all said and done I am not exactly an idiot..

The way deep cognition and realization dawns upon me when I read or think of some particular subjects and personages confirms my hunch that I have had ideas about those things much earlier, though I would have been exposed to those things for the first time in this life..
I have received guidance. sometimes at short notice and sometimes with sufficient notice.. on every thing happening..
I have ignored many warnings and suffered.. That is a different issue..
And I have been helped by some hands unseen to effect miraculous repairs when everything seemed lost.

Being human, I have tried to indulge in minor sins.. and every time I tried to tilt my direction from the straight one I have been punished and led in the right path like a horseman correcting the course of his horse, using spurs and whips..

I do not know about major sins.. I must have committed them too.. But the retributions may be in waiting..

A small court can decide on a petty case in a jiffy, but if a murder case has to be tried at Sessions.. and in some country by jury even.. So the punishment can be delayed..

So I want to make it clear that the ways of living has much more dimensions that a mere birth, death and some silly conversations and posts in social media..

I really need not be bothered about what others know or not, or whether anyone agrees with my experiences and opinions..

I have no reason to lie for publicity or anything..
My experiences arevgood enough for me..
Many of my friends have read and interacted with me for decaded.. They must be knowing that I never make empty shots in the air.

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