Saturday, December 14, 2019

safe and secure lifestyle...

एका भार्या त्रयः पुत्राः द्वे हले दशधेनवः।
मध्यराष्ट्रे गृहं येषामत्यन्तसुकृतश्च ते॥
ekā bhāryā trayaḥ putrāḥ dve hale daśadhenavaḥ|
madhyarāṣṭre gṛham yeṣāmatyantasukṛtaśca te||

Those who have single wives
three sons
two ploughs 
ten cows 
residence in the middle of the country

are sure to have the most comfortable lives..
They are the luckiest ones 

* All are aware of the hazards of having more than one wife.
* Having more than one son is indeed great.. Even if one 
son goes wayward, there is another one to rely on.
* If we have only a single plough and there is some need for 
a repair, the ploughing will come to a standstill.. A spare 
plough is always handy.
* Ten cows.. it is just an optimal estimate..Lesser number 
may not be adequate and larger number might be unwieldy
* House in the middle country.. If one takes up residence in 
the borders, there can be attack from enemies, there can 
be wars, intrusions and displacement.. The middle country 
can also mean the plain land..neither the hill nor the sea 

Anyway the most important thing is to restrict the number of wives to just one..

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