Sunday, December 01, 2019

that girl remains unmarried....

अद्यापि दुर्निवारं स्तुतिकन्या वहति कौमारम्।
सद्भ्यो न रोचते सा असन्तः अपि अस्यै न रोचन्ते॥
adyāpi durnivāraṁ stutikanyā vahati kaumāram|
sadbhyo na rocate sā asantaḥ api asyai na rocante||

(this couplet is seen quoted by Achyutaraya in his commentary on Bhaminivialasa or Jagannatha Pandita..)

The people of real quality and nobility are more interested in their work rather than going after praise and publicity.. However, shallow popularity mongers run after advertisement and publicity and seek praise for themselves even when such praise is undeserved..

The subhashitam quoted describes that situation in a very metaphoric fashion


The nubile girl “Praise” remains unmarried and unattached even today. Such state is unavoidable for her.. The good and noble do not want Praise.. they just shun her… The not so noble fellows run after praise.. But she does not want them..

Good people alone deserve praise, but they do not care about it.. Evil fellows would do anything to manage to get some praise, but no one in their senses would give praise to such persons. So the damsel named praise is remaining unmarried for ever..

അദ്യാപി ദുര്‍ന്നിവാരം സ്തുതികന്യാ വഹതി കൌമാരം
സദ്‌ഭ്യോ ന രോചതേ സാ അസന്തഃ അപി അസ്യൈ ന രോചതേ

പ്രശംസ എന്ന കുമാരി ഇന്നും അവിവാഹിതയായി കഴിയുന്നു. അത് അനിവാര്യതയാണ്. അവള്‍ ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്ന നല്ലവര്‍ പ്രശംസയെ ഇഷ്ടപ്പെടുന്നില്ല.. അവളുടെ പിന്നില്‍ അവളേയും തേടി നടക്കുന്ന ദുഷ്ടന്മാരെ അവള്‍ക്കു വേണ്ട താനും .

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