Saturday, December 14, 2019


यौवनं जीवितं वित्तं छाया लक्ष्मीश्च स्वामिता।
चंचलानि षडेतानि ज्ञात्वा धर्मरतो भवेत्॥
शुक्रनीति १-३८
yauvanaṁ jīvitaṁ vittaṁ chāyā lakṣmīśca svāmitā|
caṁcalāni ṣaḍetāni jñātvā dharmarato bhavet||
śukranīti 1-38

A very sound advice from Shukraneeti
life and means of livelihood,
money and wealth,
own shadow,
the grace and effulgence of the divine,
a position of authority and capacity to control others

The above six are highly uncertain, fickle and subject to unexpected changes
So a person should remember such transience and engage himself ever in morally rightful activities
When a person is having things in his favour, he could get away with acts of atrocity..
But situations can change at the drop of a hat and he could be in dire straits..|
However if he has spent his lifetime in the right direction even when his stars were bright, he will have little to regret when the chips are down..
There would be support from all around.. and from the controller of the virtues.. God.

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