Saturday, January 25, 2020


In advaitam there is only one being call it jeevatma, paramatma, brahmam or anything.. or nothing.
Some advaita followers believe that Part of That being perhaps deludes itself through its own Maaya and manifests as physical thing which is just Mithya.
That way what we conceive as good or bad in this Maaya created world is insignificant nullity.
Once the veil of illusion gets removed or shattered we realise our oneness with the supreme.
That is perhaps moksham or emancipation.. or just understanding what is real

Of course if you feel there is an inferior Atma (even a wee bit inferior) in you which is not of the same God material of parabrahmam or paramatma you can choose to do so.

Then the ideas of vishista advaitam dwaitam etc comes in.
It is up to you.

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