Wednesday, January 15, 2020

make a show..

अप्रकटीकृतशक्तिः शक्तोऽपि जनस्तिरस्क्रित्यां लभते।
निवसन्नन्तर्दारुणि लङ्घ्यो वह्निर्न ज्वलितः॥३२
विष्णुशर्मणः पञ्चतन्त्रे मित्रभेदे--
aprakaṭīkṛtaśaktiḥ śakto'pi janastiraskrityāṁ labhate|
nivasannantardāruṇi laṅghyo vahnirna jvalitaḥ||32
viṣṇuśarmaṇaḥ pañcatantre mitrabhede--

The quote from Panchatantram is really thought provoking..
Even if a person is very strong and sturdy,
no one would take note of such strength until such power and prowess are made known in public..
The fire which is lying dormant in a piece of wood can be easily ignored..
But when the same fire is burning with raging flames, it would scorch us and become vsible and cannot be ignored.
In olden days fire was produced by rubbing two pieces of woods together. So it was believed that fire is actually present inside pieces of timber.. especially the Arani..
But another irony of life is that persons who do not have much power in reality, sometimes pretend to be powerful and even manage to subjugate the really strong but mild persons..
We see that happening daily especially in social media..

शक्तः अपि जनः people who are very strong
अप्रकटीकृत शक्तिः if their prowess is not revealed
तिरस्क्रियां लभते get ignored.
वह्निः अन्तः दारुणि निवसन लङ्घ्यो भवति.. the fire present inside the log of a tree is can easily be ignored
स एव वह्निः ज्वलितः न लङ्घ्यः the same fire when it is burning with huge flames would really scorch and cannot be ignored..

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