Monday, January 27, 2020

What will happen if everyone stopped praying to God?

What will happen if everyone stopped praying to God?

God is perhaps an invention of the man who realized his own inanities and inadequacy..
A bid to just imagine that the elusive perfection exists..

And when human beings as a matter of habit invented or rather assumed the existence of such a perfect being, it is quite natural that when things do not go exactly right for the inadequate man he prays to that perfect being..

Everybody living on earth deciding not to pray to God
will not happen,
cannot happen,
unless the idea or precept of God or something equivalent to it is given up totally or perhaps the word God is taken away from the language...

Even for the atheists who may disown the word god, his bid to identify something nearing perfection, to spot something superior, is in his blood..He might not call it God, that is all
So, obliteration of God from Human life is simply not possible..

Otherwise the question should be reframed
with definition of what is meant by god,
what is prayer,
and what amounts to stoppage of prayer and so on..

That can baffle even the most brilliant minds..

It is something like what will happen if we reach absolute zero temperature..

We can only give views..
But certain conditions can never be reached or visualized in a perfect manner....

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