Saturday, February 08, 2020

be objective and choose the right alone

अपि पौरुषमादेयं शास्त्रं चेद्युक्तिबोधकम्।
अन्यत्त्वार्षमपि त्याज्यं भाव्यं न्याय्यैकसेविना॥२
युक्तियुक्तमुपादेयं वचनं बालकादपि।
अन्यत्तृणमिव त्याज्यमप्युक्तं पद्मजन्मना॥३
योगवासिष्टे द्वितीयप्रकरणे अष्टादशे सर्गे॥
api pauruṣamādeyaṁ śāstraṁ cedyuktibodhakam|
anyattvārṣamapi tyājyam bhāvyaṁ nyāyyaikasevinā||2
yuktiyuktamupādeyaṁ vacanaṁ bālakādapi|
anyattṛṇamiva tyājyamapyuktaṁ padmajanmanā||3
yogavāsiṣṭe dvitīyaprakaraṇe aṣṭādaśe sarge||

A very educative quote from the great Yoga Vaasishtam

Yoga Vaasistam is a work attributed to Valmiki.. as a companion volume to the epic Ramayanam
In this work, the detailed discussions by way of training session between Sage Vasishta and his disciple Sri Rama forms the subject matter.. After formal education, and before embarking on career as a ruler of men, Rama is clearing all his doubts on worldly and spiritual subjects.. and these doubts are being cleared by none other than the great Sage, and the Guru of the Solar Dynasty, sage Vasishta himself..
Yoga Vasishtam is rated as one of the ultimate texts in lifestyle management and spirituality..

The two slokas quoted at the top underline the value of objectivity..

Meaning of the Slokas
Even if some rules are evolved through practices and are enunciated by ordinary men, such scientific knowledge should be accepted and internalized if they are logical and reasonable.
A person who is expected to live a life following the principles of justice and equity should reject rules which are contrary to reason . He should treat illogical rules as if they are as trivial as pieces of dried grass, even if such rules are presented by ancient sages.

A statement, if it is backed up by logic and reasonableness, should be accepted even if that statement is made by a mere urchin. And if its otherwise, that is, if it is opposed to logic, then it should be rejected even if such statement is made by Lord Brahmadeva the creator himself..

Indian thought always followed reason, and reason alone..
Blind adherence to illogical and unreasonable tenets was never expected of any person..

At present we tend to get swayed by populism and temporary emotions.. and often reason is relegated to the backseat..

May maturity prevail

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