Thursday, February 13, 2020

Paarvathi the Uma walking slowly towards Lord Shambhu

A picture of the Mother of the Universe,
Uma the daughter of Himavan,
a sublime one Indeed..

Just think of Devi Paarvathi the Uma walking slowly towards Lord Shambhu, with a garland of Mahuva or Mahooka flower being handed over to her by her friend.. sporting a smile with eyes looking the ground in shyness..and eager to offer that garland to Her Lover and Lord Shambu as a token of having received Him as her husband..

शंभुं जगन्मोहनरूपपूर्णम्
विलोक्य लज्जाकलितां स्मिताढ्याम्।
मधूकमालां स्वसखीकराभ्याम्
सम्बिभ्रतीमद्रिसुतां भजेयम्॥

śaṁbhuṁ jaganmohanarūpapūrṇam
vilokya lajjākalitāṁ smitāḍhyām|
madhūkamālāṁ svasakhīkarābhyām
sambibhrateemadrisutāṁ bhajeyam||

जगन्मोहनरूपपूर्णं the one with a form which entices the whole universe
शंभुं Lord Shiva the Shambu
विलोक्य having seen
स्मिताढ्याम् sporting a beautiful yet very subtle smile
लज्जाकलितां looking like a bud of flower just about to open,, overcome by shyness
स्वसखीकराभ्याम् (handed over by) her own friend
बन्धूकमालं garland of bandhooka flowers
संबिभ्रतीं carrying in happiness
अद्रिसुतां that daughter of the mountain
( तां)(उमां ) भजेयं. may we worship that Uma..

May we worship that damsel, the daughter of the mountain, who, on seeing her Lord Shambu who is the enchanter of the three worlds, sported a smile which makes her face bloom with shyness, and and walks towards Him carrying a garland of Madhooka, which has been handed over to her by her Sakhi..

This is the Dhyana Slokam for Swayamvara parvathi manthram which is chanted and through which the divine mother is worshiped for the boon of marriage to all Kanyas..

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