Wednesday, February 12, 2020

posing as scholar...

यत्र विद्वज्जनो नास्ति श्लाघ्यस्तत्राल्पधीरपि।
निरस्तपादपे देशे एरण्डोऽपि द्रुमायते॥
yatra vidvajjano nāsti ślāghyastatrālpadhīrapi|
nirastapādape deśe eraṇḍo'pi drumāyate||

In a locality where there are no learned people, even half-witted idiots too may be praised.
In a place where there are no big and tall trees, even the Castor shrub will gain popularity as a tree..

यत्र where
विद्वत् जनः group of learned men
न अस्ति not present
तत्र there
अल्पधीः person of little intellect, nitwit,
अपि also
श्लाघ्यः भवति. become worthy of praise
निरस्तपादपे without any trees
देशे country
एरण्डः castor shrub.. ആവണക്ക്
अपि द्रुमायते. even that becomes a tree.

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