Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The fox and its lost tail..

The fox and its lost tail..
There is the story of the fox who lost its tail brushes which were caught in a trap as he had to pull away cutting off the tail just to save his body and soul from sure captivity and sure death..
It was embarrassing for the fox
However, like all foxes, he had a glib tongue...
So when his relatives and colleagues gathered around him wondering what has happened to his tail, he declared with gusto that he had managed to cut off his own tail because the tail had proved to be a nuisance while executing many of his profitable activities..
For example,  he pointed out,  it was more convenient for him  to cross a thick fence without the obstruction of a tail. Moreover the possibility of  an enemy coming from behind and catching hold of the fox by the tail was ruled out..

Of course, some of the juvenile foxes even believed the  assertions of their   senior and even planned to have a camp where all the youth among the foxes would gather and ceremoniously cut off their tails..
But there was an old fox.. a wizened, seasoned fox.. foxiness and old age making the right combination in that grandpa.
He could easily understand  what was the problem with the fox who had lost his  tail..
The fellow had escaped from the trap   but had to lose  his tail in the bargain.. The tail was actually  of great help.. in many ways like covering the backside and warding of wily insects..
However, the fellow who lost the tail was trying to conceal his shortcoming by  use of clever words and was encouraging others too to sacrifice their tails..

The grandpa fox explained the situation to the younger foxes. And the  young foxes, quite unlike young men and women of many generations who would never listen to elders,  took the advise of the elderly fox and saw through the trick..
They abandoned the plan to cut off their tails ..
 and of course, drove away the tailless ugly dude of a fox who had lost his tail..
(Adapted from an Aesops Tale )

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