Tuesday, February 18, 2020

the secret of youth

वसन्तयौवनाः वृक्षाः पुरुषाः धनयौवनाः।
सौभाग्ययौवनाः नार्यो बुधाः विद्यासु यौवनाः॥
vasantayauvanāḥ vṛkṣāḥ puruṣāḥ dhanayauvanāḥ|
saubhāgyayauvanāḥ nāryo budhāḥ vidyāsu yauvanāḥ||

A quote from a compilation of wise thoughts.. Nitishastram

Youth.. or being young and active is more dependent on the state of life.. and attitude.. that the mere count of days and years..

Even if the trees have existed for centuries, they look young in new foliage and fruits.. with lots of people singing and dancing underneath... and lots and lots of birds occupying their branches.. as the spring season arrives.

Men can maintain their confidence only if they have money..
And youth is the state of confidence..
So when they are flush with money, when their pockets are overflowing, they remain young.

For ladies, youth lie in peace and happiness in the family and in the good fortune of all people around.. and as long as such bliss continues, they maintain their youth

And for a person with unquenchable thirst for knowledge, the only prod that can keep him young and active is the facility and the enthusiasm to learn more and more..

May such youth.. such blessings for the youth remain with the world for ever and ever..

वृक्षाः trees
वसन्त यौवना भवन्ति are at the peak of their youth and vitality when spring is the season
पुरुषाः men
धन यौवनाः वर्तन्ते look young and sprightly as long as they have money to spend
नार्यः ladies
सौभाग्य यौवनाः शोभन्ते shine as if they are young if they have happiness, good fortune and grace
बुधाः learned people
विद्यासु यौवनाः भवन्ति. remain young as long as they are learning new arts and crafts to their hearts' content..

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