Friday, February 07, 2020

we will not live for ever.

स्थिरताशां न बध्नीयाद् भुवि भावेषु भाविषु।
रामो रघुः शिबिः पाण्डुः क्व गतास्ते नराधिपाः॥ ६२
क्षेमेन्द्रकविविरचिते चारुचर्यायाम्॥
sthiratāśāṁ na badhnīyād bhuvi bhāveṣu bhāviṣu|
rāmo raghuḥ śibiḥ pāṇḍuḥ kva gatāste narādhipāḥ|| 62
kṣemendrakaviviracite cārucaryāyām||

An intensely poignant reminder from Kshemendra in his Charucharya
One should never get attached with hope of continued existence in a state of happiness.. either in the present or in the future..
See what happened to even great kings like Rama, Raghu, Shibi, Paandu.. where have they gone now?
The great personalities cited are indeed of name and fame that would transcend time.. But even such persons could not remain in such exalted status for ever.. All of them disappeared behind the curtain of time..

Rama, the great King, and supposedly the incarnation of Lord Vishnu Himself.. He lived a life of honour, valour, justice and was a role model for everyone of every generation.. But he had to depart .

Raghu, the king and a forefather of Rama and the star of the clan of Raghus won over land, kingdoms, wealth, all over the earth many times over.. Still he too was taken over by the vagaries of time.

Shibi.. the king who was famous for his valour and eagerness to help others even at the cost of his own life.. too gained a lot of fame and virtue during his lifetime, but had to leave for his heavenly abode.. The story where he offered his own flesh to save a helpless dove from the clutches of a vulture is famous..

Pandu.. the king of the Kuru Clan.. whose five great sons made his name immortal.. He too enjoyed life and faced great challenges and had to take leave of his mortal body in unfortunate circumstances.. The king was expected to live the life of a celibate due to the curse of a sage, but in a weak moment, he made overtures to his wife Madri and lost his life in the bargain..

So nothing is permanent.. Neither the present nor the future..
So one has to learn to live happily and with contentment.. and make the best of life as it comes..
Live in the present without much complain
and face future as it comes and tackle it the best way one can..

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