Thursday, February 06, 2020

Write Ramayanam in detail.. Brahma Tells Valmiki.. 2

Write Ramayanam in detail.. Brahma Tells Valmiki.. 2
continued from last post

रहस्यं च प्रकाशं च यद्वृत्तं तस्य धीमतः। 
रामस्य सह सौमित्रेः राक्षसानाम् च सर्व्वशः॥३४ 
वैदेह्याश्चैव यद्वृत्तं प्रकाशं यदि वा रहः। 
तच्चाप्यविदितं सर्वम् विदितम् ते भविष्यति॥३५ 

Brahmadeva tells Valmiki that whatever is done or whatever that has happened in respect of that great person Rama, along with those is respect of the son of Sumitra, Lakshmana, those that happened in connection with the demons like Ravana, irrespective of when and where it happened , irrespective of whether the happenings were public or secret, irrespective of whether such things were openly talked of or whether discreetly handled, all the happenings would become clear to Valmiki when he tries to narrate the story of Ramayana. This is because of the special power to that effect that Brahmadeva bestows upon the sage.. The public, secret and discreet happenings concernig the daughter of Videha, that is Sita, also would reveal themselves to Valmiki for the same reason. 

न ते वागनृता काव्ये क्वचिदत्र भविष्यति। 
कुरु रामकथाम् पुण्याम् श्लोकबद्धाम् मनोरमाम्॥३६ 
Brahamadeva Tells Valmiki. 
No word or expression revealed through your great poetic work will ever become untrue.. 
You please compose the sacred and sweet story of Rama in verses which are properly arranged.. 
यावत् स्थास्यन्ति गिरियः सरितश्च महीतले। 
तावद्रामायणकथा लोकेषु प्रचरिष्यति॥३७ 
As long as mountains stand erect on the earth and rivers flow across her terrains, the story of Rama.. the Ramayanam will be spreading itself with fame in this world. 
यावद्रामस्य च कथा त्वत्कृता प्रचरिष्यति। 
तावदूर्द्ध्वमधश्च त्वम् मल्लोकेषु निवत्स्यसि॥३८ 
Brahmadeva blesses Valmiki further with these words. 
As long as the Story of Rama as composed by you (Valmiki) is in circulation anywhere, till that time you will be residing with great happiness in the worlds created by me above and below ( Bhooloka to Satyaloka.. and Atala to Paataala) 
इत्युक्त्वा भगवान् ब्रह्मा तत्रैवान्तरधीयत। 
ततः सशिष्यो भगवान् मुनिर्विस्मयमाययौ॥३९ 
Saying so, the blessed Lord Brahma disappeared there itself. 
The blessed Sage Valmiki remained in the banks of Thamasa itself.. and he was filled with jubiliant wonderment 

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