Saturday, February 22, 2020

Yakshamagna Sooktham..

Yakshamagna Sooktham..
the rigvedic mantra expected to remove the maladies of people even facing death..

This is the Yaksmagna sooktham of Rigvedam… Mandalam 10 Sooktham 161

It is a wish and blessing for cure of Yakshma or Tuberculosis.. the various gods are invoked to save the patient from severe diseases.. Through the sooktham and the yajnams mentioned therein, even a person on the throes of fatal diseases like tuberculosis and other ailments, would be restored to life in its full.. A virtual mritasanjeevani..

This is one of the sookthams which is chanted for cure of physical illness and removal of misfortunes.

Yakshma actually means consumption or tuberculosis . and Yakshagna means destroyer of TB..

मु॒ञ्चामि॑ त्वा ह॒विषा॒ जीव॑नाय॒ कम॑ज्ञातय॒क्ष्मादु॒त रा॑जय॒क्ष्मात् । ग्राहि॑र्ज॒ग्राह॒ यदि॑ वै॒तदे॑नं॒ तस्या॑ इन्द्राग्नी॒ प्र मु॑मुक्तमेनम् ॥
यदि॑ क्षि॒तायु॒र्यदि॑ वा॒ परे॑तो॒ यदि॑ मृ॒त्योर॑न्ति॒कं नी॑त ए॒व । तमा ह॑रामि॒ निॠ॑तेरु॒पस्था॒दस्पा॑र्षमेनं श॒तशा॑रदाय ॥
स॒ह॒स्रा॒क्षेण॑ श॒तशा॑रदेन श॒तायु॑षा ह॒विषाहा॑र्षमेनम् । श॒तं यथे॒मं श॒रदो॒ नया॒तीन्द्रो॒ विश्व॑स्य दुरि॒तस्य॑ पा॒रम् ॥ श॒तं जी॑व श॒रदो॒ वर्ध॑मानः श॒तं हे॑म॒न्ताञ्छ॒तमु॑ वस॒न्तान् । श॒तमि॑न्द्रा॒ग्नी स॑वि॒ता बृह॒स्पति॑: श॒तायु॑षा ह॒विषे॒मं पुन॑र्दुः ॥
आहा॑र्षं॒ त्वावि॑दं त्वा॒ पुन॒रागा॑: पुनर्नव । सर्वा॑ङ्ग॒ सर्वं॑ ते॒ चक्षु॒: सर्व॒मायु॑श्च तेऽविदम् ॥

muñcāmi tvā haviṣā jīvanāya kamajñātayakṣmādutarājayakṣmāt |
ghrāhirjaghrāha yadi vaitadenaṃ tasyāindrāghnī pra mumuktamenam ||
yadi kṣitāyuryadi vā pareto yadi mṛtyorantikaṃ nītaeva |
tamā harāmi nirterupasthādaspārṣamenaṃśataśāradāya ||
sahasrākṣeṇa śataśāradena śatāyuṣā haviṣāhārṣamenam |
śataṃ yathemaṃ śarado nayātīndro viśvasyaduritasya pāram ||
śataṃ jīva śarado vardhamānaḥ śataṃ hemantāñchatamuvasantān |
śatamindrāghnī savitā bṛhaspatiḥ śatāyuṣāhaviṣemaṃ punarduḥ ||
āhārṣaṃ tvāvidaṃ tvā punarāghāḥ punarnava |
sarvāṅghasarvaṃ te cakṣuḥ sarvamāyuśca te.avidam ||
Free translation.. without going too much into the intricacies of the Vedic Language.

1 Oh the sick man, I am releasing you from known and unknown downfalls and the disease of consumption and wishing you a full active life ..
Oh lord Indra, oh Lord Agni, if the demoness who infests humans grasping them in the form of diseases, may you receive this oblation of cooked rice or havis and free him totally from all the diseases.
2 Even if his life has left this man almost completely, even if he has already left his mortal body, even if he is in a condition where death has virtually grabbed him, may the Lords be pleased to remove all the illness and may he be brought to a life of excellent health..
May he live for hundred autumns
3 With yajnas and oblation with keen devotion of hundred eyes, with yajnas continuing for hundred autumn, with the yajnas that would revive hundred lives, I have revived this man who was at the throes of death..
May Lord Indra keep him safe and healthy and steer him to the shore which is away from all misfortunes.
4..Oh man, (who has been revived by the Yajna) may your strength of body and mind increase, and in that state may you live through hundred autums, may you live through hundred springs, may you live through hundred winters.
In return of the hundred fold oblations offered, may Indra, Agni, Brihaspati, and Savita give him a life of hundred years.
5.Oh man, through oblations (and through this sooktham) I have discovered your ailments and rescued you.. Now your youth and energy have been restored.
You are now in a wholesome healthy state and your organs are perfect.
I have found and restored your vision.. both internal and external, and I have restored the whole life once again for you.

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