Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A great tribute to water..

A great tribute to water..

a landmark mantram used in the process of ceremonial purification of water.. Udaka Shanti.. The mantram comes partially from Yajurveda Samhita, Brahmanams and Rigvedam too..

अ॒पः प्रण॑यति। श्र॒द्धा वा आपः॑ ।
श्र॒द्धां ए॒वारभ्य॑ प्र॒णीय॑ प्रच॑रति।
अ॒पः प्रण॑यति । य॒ज्ञो वा आपः॑ ।
य॒ज्ञं ए॒वारभ्य॑ प्र॒णीय॑ प्रच॑रति।
अ॒पः प्रण॑यति । व॒ज्रो वा आपः॑ ।
वज्र॑मे॒व भ्रातृ॑व्येभ्यः प्रहृत्य॑ प्र॒णीय॑ प्रच॑रति ।
अ॒पः प्रण॑यति । आपो॒ वै रक्षो॒घ्नीः ।
रक्ष॑सां अप॑हत्यै ।
अ॒पः प्रण॑यति । आपो॒ वै दे॒वानां᳚ प्रि॒यंधाम॑ ।
दे॒वाना॑मे॒व प्रि॒यंधाम॑ प्र॒णीय॒ प्रच॑रति ।
अ॒पः प्रण॑यति । आपो॒ वै सर्वा॑ दे॒वताः ।
दे॒वता॑ ए॒वा॒रभ्य॑ प्र॒णीय॒ प्रच॑रति ।
आपो॒वैशा॒न्ताः । शा॒न्ताभि॑रे॒वास्य॑ शुचग्ं शमयति ॥
देवो वः सविता उत्पुनातु। अच्छिद्रेण पवित्रेण।वसोः सूर्यस्य रश्मिभिः।
स हि रत्नानि दाशुषे। सुवति सविता भगः। तं भागम् चित्रमीमहे॥

Apah praNayati | shraddhAvA Apah |
shraddhAm evArabhya praNIya pracharati
Apah praNayati | yagyou vai Apah |
yagyam evArabhya praNIya pracharati
Apah praNayati | vajro vai Apah |
vajrameva bhrAtRuvyebhyah prahRutya praNIya pracharati |
Apah praNayati | Apo vai rakShoghnIh |
rakShasAm apahatyai |
Apah praNayati | Apo vai devAnAm priyamdhAma |
devAnAmeva priyamdhAma praNIya pracharati |
Apah praNayati | Apo vai sarvA devatAh |
devatA evArabhya praNIya pracharati |
ApovaishAntAh shAntAbhirevAsya shuchagmshamayati ||
devo vassavitA utpunAtu | acChidreNa pavitreNa | vasoh sUryasya
rashmibhih |
sa hi ratnAni dAshuShai suvAti savitA bhagah | tam bhAgam chitramImahe

Water is the object of great respect and adoration..
Waters indeed deserved great attention
The waters are treated with great adoration and great devotion..
Water is the object of great respect and adoration
waters are the substance of yajnas or sacrifices
Waters are treated as yajna and held with great adoration and devotion
Water is the object of great respect and adoration
Waters are verily like thunderbolt, shining with resplendence and tough
Waters are treated as the best of resplendent things, the thunderbolts and are propitiated with great adoration and devotion
Water is the object of great respect and adoration |
waters are the annihilators of Rakshasas or demons.
May the waters be adored for the destruction of Rakshasas.
Water is the object of great respect and adoration
Water is the favourite abode of the gods
May waters be adored as the favourite dwelling places of Gods alone
Waters are propitiated with adoration
Waters are verily the embodiment of all gods
The Gods, propitiated in the form of waters remain in the forefront leading us ever.
Calm and soothing are the waters.. May those waters through their soothing nature provided purity to the worshipper..

may that God Savita purify the worshipper.. may he purify through this sacred, seamless and uninterrupted acchidara may He purify us through the uninterrupted flow of effulgence in the form of the rays of the Sun who is the Vasu
May that great provider of boons Bhaga, the source of all fortune, shower all fortunes on the one who makes offerings. We seek from Bhaga, all sorts of enjoyments.

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