Friday, March 13, 2020

class discovers class..

गुणिनि गुणज्ञो रमते नागुणशीलस्य गुणिनि परितोषः।
अलिरेति वनात्कमलं न दुर्दुरस्तन्निवासोऽपि॥
सुभाषित शतके २-४९ हितोपदेशे २००
guṇini guṇajño ramate nāguṇaśīlasya guṇini paritoṣaḥ|
alireti vanātkamalaṁ na durdurastannivāso'pi||
subhāṣita śatake 2-49 hitopadeśe 200

A quote worth pondering twice.. from the classic Hitopadesham of Narayana Makhi..
Only those who have some knowledge and taste for great qualities can enjoy such qualities wherever they are found.. Those who are just not having any taste for the good and nice would have no interest in such sublime qualties..
A bee,(bumblebee) even if it is droning around in a distant forest, when it gets the wind that a lotus has bloomed , comes stright to the flower to enjoy its honey and pollens.. However, the frogs living even in the pond where the lotus bloomed, living so nearby, would not care about the lotus or its becauty at all.. The frog just do not know nor does it care about the beauty of the lotus..

This happens to good literature, good music, good art, or almost anything that is good..
it takes a character and taste even to enjoy something that is good.. And many are simply not having it..

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