Monday, March 23, 2020

do not praise yourself

न स्तुयादात्मनाऽत्मानम् न परं परिवादयेत्।
न सतोऽन्यगुणान् हिंस्यान्नासतः स्वस्य वर्णयेत्॥
यशस्तिलक चम्पू
na stuyādātmanā'tmānam na paraṁ parivādayet|
na sato'nyaguṇān hiṁsyānnāsataḥ svasya varṇayet||
yaśastilaka campu|

A very poignant analysis on human tendencies..
No sensible person should do such things
But everyone does it, only the degree varies
A person should never praise himself..

Praise has its charm only when it comes from others..

A person should never try to belittle the achievements of others.

But jealousy pulls us in the opposite direction.. We tend to punch holes and try to prove that the achievements shown by others are just insignificant

A person should never try to cause aspersions on the good name and character of others..
But that is the best way to pull down the neighbour. So we never miss an opportunity to do that.


A person should not boast or brag of possessing qualities and achievements which are really not his..
We may ask,, if I do not make up stories about myself, who else is going to build up my image..

The advise is meant for decent and nice gentlemen, and gentle ladies and not for the flamboyant, showy dancers and diners..

आत्मना आत्मानं न स्तुयात् one should never praise himself
परं न परिवादयेत् one should never try to belittle others
सतः अन्य गुणान् न हिंस्यात् one should never try to cast damaging aspersions on the real merits seen in others
असतः स्वस्य (गुणान्) न वर्णयेत and one should never try to wax eloquent claiming merits in oneself, when such merits are absent.

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