Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Krishna the best actor....

Krishna the best actor....

निपीडयन्नग्रपदेन पृथ्वीं उन्नम्य देहं भृशमूर्ध्वबाहुः।
पयोघटस्पर्शमनश्नुवानः त्रिविक्रमोऽभूत्परिहासपात्रम्॥
सुकुमारकविविरचितौ श्रीकृष्णविलासकाव्ये ३-८८
nipīḍayannagrapadena pṛthvīṁ unnamya dehaṁ bhṛśamūrdhvabāhuḥ|
payoghaṭasparśamanaśnuvānaḥ trivikramo'bhūtparihāsapātram||
sukumārakaviviracitau śrīkṛṣṇavilāsakāvye 3-88
Krishna is going around Gokulam stealing milk and butter..

He stands underneath a pot of milk and butter suspended from the ceiling of a house.

He tries to increase his height by standing on tiptoe

Still unable to reach the pot, he raises up his hands to full height.

Still he is not able to reach anywhere near the pot..

And thus the inimitable Thrivikrama who once measured the entire expanse of the universe with two feet and was looking for a space to place the third step became the butt of jokes about his puny self..

"placing his big toe firm on the ground and attempting to increase his height and the stretching his body and raising his hands as much as possible and still unable to reach pot containing milk, that Trivikrama became the laughing stock of all who witnessed such attempt.

Just see how that black rogue shows off!

We humans try to show off parading our own prowess mostly existing only in our imagination..

Here that playful urchin who measured the whole universe in two steps as Thrivikrama is standing there on tiptoes holding up his hands and feigning despair at his being unable to touch a pot of milk just suspended a few feet up..

What a pretension!

How many Oscars would He deserve?

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