Friday, March 20, 2020

path to the abode of Vishnu..

रामायणाख्यं मधु।
मरणैरत्यन्त सोपद्रवं
संसारं स विहाय गच्छतिपुमान्
विष्णोः पदं शाश्वतम्।।
yah karnaanjalisamputairaharahaH samyak pibatyaadaraat
vaalmeeker vadanaaravinda galitam Ramayanaakkyam madhuH
janmavyaadhijaraa vipatthi maranair atyanda sopadravam
samsaaram sa vihaaya gacchati pumaan vishnoH param shaasvatham

From the invocatory stanzas of Valmiki Ramayanam

A person who is lucky enough to partake in the ambrosia in the shape and name of Ramayana and does that with great reverence -
the nectar oozing forth from the full-blown lotus flower that is the mouth of valmiki.
.the nectar being collected in the cup ..
the cup formed by arching the ears with palms so that they are completely exposed and well prepared to receive the flow of the sweet elixir flowing in the shape of singing of valmiki Ramayana..

The man who performs that worship through his ears..
will definitely reach the abode of Lord Vishu and remain there permanently after leaving this worldly woe- filled existence of birth diseases old age and accidents death and insufferable difficulties that have given him trouble all through his life.

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