Tuesday, March 24, 2020

signs of class

आचारः कुलमाख्याति देशमाख्याति भाषणम्।
संभ्रमः स्नेहमाख्याति वपुराख्याति भोजनम्॥
ācāraḥ kulamākhyāti deśamākhyāti bhāṣaṇam|
saṁbhramaḥ snehamākhyāti vapurākhyāti bhojanam||

Chanakya delivers another gem.....

The way one carries out his activities, the way he presents himself, just reveals his upbringing and the family or the clan to which he belongs.

The language or dialect he speaks would easily show from which place he comes

The anxiety and agitation one shows in respect of another shows how much love is there.

The shape and size of the body clearly indicate what a person eats.

A person born and brought up in a cultured envirnoment would always reveal his class in every activity..

We know the languages and their diction varies from place to place..
For example a person from Chennai and a person from Madurai speak distinctively varying dialects of Tamil.
A man from Trichur and a man from Trivandrum and a man from Kannur all speak Malayalam, but one can detect their nativities if we just hear them speak eve for a few seconds..

One thing about love is that it makes one anxious..
When we love our friends and kin a necessary fallout is that we are anxious about their well being..
The best example is the mother..
She would be anxious about the safety of her child right from the moment it formed insider her as a foetus.. and this anxiety continues as long as she lives..
A mother of ninety years would be worrieds about the activities of her child of seventy years or more..
That is love.
.If someone talks of his love for another with eloquence but is unmoving like a rock when something happens to that another, we can easily see that the declaration of love was just an excercise for the lips of the former.

We eat and eat.. and the body gets fatter and fatter..
So the quality and quantity of the food one eats shows itself in his body..

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