Wednesday, March 11, 2020

tendency to help comes spontaneously..

कस्यादेशाद् क्षपयति तमः सप्तसप्तिः प्रजानां
छायाहेतोः पथि विटपिनामञ्जलिः केन बद्धः।
अभ्यर्थ्यन्ते जललवमुचः केन व वृष्टिहेतोः
जात्यैवेते परहितविधौ साधवो बद्धकक्ष्याः॥
वल्लभदेवस्य सुभाषितवल्याम् २८२
kasyādeśād kṣapayati tamaḥ saptasaptiḥ prajānāṁ
chāyāhetoḥ pathi viṭapināmañjaliḥ kena baddhaḥ|
abhyarthyante jalalavamucaḥ kena va vṛṣṭihetoḥ
jātyaivete parahitavidhau sādhavo baddhakakṣyāḥ||
vallabhadevasya subhāṣitavalyām 282

A nice subhashitam from the collection Subhaashitaavali of Vallabhadeva..

The instinct to help others comes spontaneously for the noble souls..
The queries raised here are
1. Under whose order does the Sun sheds bright light over all the people and removes the darkness that encompasses the earth?
2. Does someone go and request with folded hands in all humility before the trees growing on the sides of the highway.. requesting for the shadow they provide in plenty?
3. Has anyone ventured to issue appeals to the water clouds spread over the sky to release at least a little water?
The conclusion is that noble people volunteer in all eagerness to provide selfless service for the benefit of other..

The message is very clear..
Usually people who claim to be engaged in charitable activity do so with many hidden expectations.. But really good persons just help others spontaneously..
We may not find many noble souls in our tedious journey of life.. And most of the time individually we may not be that noble and generous too..
But nature abounds in spontaneous goodwill..

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