Sunday, March 01, 2020

time servers...

गृहीत्वा दक्षिणां विप्राः त्यजन्ति यजमानकं।
प्राप्तविद्याः गुरुं शिष्याः दग्धारण्यं मृगास्तथा॥
gṛhītvā dakṣiṇāṁ viprāḥ tyajanti yajamānakaṁ|
prāptavidyāḥ guruṁ śiṣyāḥ dagdhāraṇyaṁ mṛgāstathā||
The brahmins leave the performer of the rites who has given them handsome presents (dakshina) without bothering to have any more thoughts about him
The disciples leave the preceptor practically without looking back and in search of greener pastures, once they have learned all they could from the guru..
When a forest is getting inundated by a wildfire, the animals who had resided there for long periods, just abandon the place without any second thoughts.
Chanakya said this centuries ago.. but the remarks have eternal value..
The relationship between a priest and the performer of the rites is nothing more than commercial but one should see to believe what all sweet words and enticements that are dished out by the priest to extract the maximum dakshina.. And whatever dakshina is given the yajamana gets only criticism and accusation of being stingy..the bounty is forgotten in a jiffy.
Education is a dynamic process but more dynamic is the relationship between the teacher and the taught.. Fairly decent disciples just ignore the teacher after they have drawn the best out of him.. But the more innovative and enterprising disciples ensure that the gift of education given to them by the guru is put to effective use to prove that the teacher had his inadequacies..Still more adventurous shishyas who have apparently discovered their niches in their lives find ecstasy in insulting the teacher directly or indirectly..
Of course the wild animals are animals after all.. The do not know what is gratitude..They just follow their natural instinct for survival..
Gratitude is not the rule, it is only an exception..

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