Friday, April 03, 2020

bad tendencies to be given up

आलस्यं त्यक्तव्यं त्यक्तव्यं लौल्यं लोभः परापवादश्च।
अस्थानेषु कोपस्तथाऽतिमनश्च पुरुषेण॥
ālasyaṁ tyaktavyaṁ tyaktavyaṁ laulyaṁ lobhaḥ parāpavādaśca|
asthāneṣu kopastathā'timanaśca puruṣeṇa||

A simple Subhashitam.. but with great message.
A person ( if he desires to be worthy)
should abandon, steer clear of, laziness
should give up tendency to trivialize issue, trivialize the views of others
should never entertain avariciousness
should give up the tendency to talk ill of, or talking about the scandals of, others
should never become angry unnecessariy and in the wrong place and for the wrong issue
should never have excessive sense of pride, a feeling that he is too important than others with whom interacts.. in one word he should give up mealomania and should see himself for whatever he is really worth..
पुरुषेण by man
आलस्यं laziness
त्यक्तव्यं should be given up
लौल्यं lack of seriosity,
लोभं avariciousness
परापवादश्च and scandalous talk about others
त्यक्तव्यं should be given up
अस्थानेषु कोपः anger in the inappropriate place
अतिमानश्च excessive sense of pride
त्यक्तव्यं should be given up.
Note.. Man includes women and others too for this..

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