Monday, April 06, 2020

give up ill gotten wealth..

महान्तमप्यधर्मयुक्तं य सन्त्यजत्यनुपाकृष्ट एव।
सुखं स दुःखानवमुच्य शेते जीर्णां त्वचं सर्प इवावमुच्य॥
श्रीमहाभारते उद्योगपर्वणि प्रजागरणपर्वणि विदुरनीतिवाक्ये॥४०-२॥
mahāntamapyadharmayuktaṁ ya santyajatyanupākṛṣṭa eva|
sukham sa duḥkhānavamucya śete jīrṇāṁ tvacaṁ sarpa ivāvamucya||

śrīmahābhārate udyogaparvaṇi prajāgaraṇaparvani viduranītivākye ||40-2||

This is from Vidura neeti of Mahabharatham

Vidura's parting advice to his vacillating elder brother Dhritarashtra who is maniacally holding on to the wealth that is the rightful share of the Pandavas.

"A person, if he has to live with a peaceful mind should be able to give up even immense wealth which he knows has come to his possession through unfair means, and this should be done without any regret.

If such complete surrender of illegally earned riches is effected the man can live with great ease like a snake who was struggling with its slough for some time but had ultimately managed to wriggle out of it".

We have seen and heard about many voluntary disclosure schemes of Unaccounted Income and Wealth by Income-taxmen as also by the law enforcers of other wings of the government to give up booty illegally earned.
Yes, if one is rid of the ill gotten booties he can live peacefully.

One has to really watch in person how a snake struggles to just wriggle out of its slough but then glow with a new shiny outer skin

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