Saturday, April 04, 2020

on krishna

On Lord Krishna
You Thief! You were born in a Jail where your parents were bound with very heavy chains, but you stole out of there and cuddled innocently beside a sleeping herds-woman
and your equally cunning sister exchanged places for you.

Though born in a prison, You were born to free this world of all bondages

.You scoundrel! You ate away tons and tons of butter and drank away litres of sweet milk, all stolen from the neighbourhood which fostered you.

But how else could you have fed the whole universe which you carried in your belly?.

Your liar! You promised that you will never wield any weapon during Mahabharatha War but you shamelessly broke the promise and charged against Bheeshma threatening to attack him with the wheel of a Chariot.
Had you any choice?
Your staunch devotee had promised that he will force you to take weapon during the war and saving his promise was dearer to you than keeping your own glory!

You roamed in the banks of Kalindi and the precincts of Brindaban dancing with innocent girls who forgot all proprieties in life.

But that was the union of the Jeevatman withParamatman.

Krishna,you, the darkest, craftiest, ugliest boy,
you taught Geetha, teaching a brother to kill his own brothers
but in truth this Geetha is the most sublime treatise on the meaning of human existence transcending the limits of caste, creed, religion,nationality and more than anything else, time.

The greatest tattwa given by this Bharath is Krishna and Krishna alone.

I love you Krishna.

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